Monthly Archives: March 2012

Updated King Shamus’ Sword Design

King Shamus’ Sword has been updated with added particle effects and an actual blade.


King Shamus' Sword

King Shamus' Sword

Eleknight – Quick Sketch

Another quick sketch this ones of eleknight



King Shamus – Quick Sketch

A Concept of King Shamus in Steam Punk armor uncolored.

King Shamus Concept

King Shamus

King Shamus’ Sword

Kings Sword Hilt


This is a first design for King Shamus’ hilt. I have started with the hilt and will add a particle system for the Fire, Ice and Lightning aswell as a blade later one.

Joshua Foster

Throne Room Design

Throne Room Design


This is the King Shamus’ Throne Room and the scene for the final Boss Battle

Protagonist Concept Art

Concept Art for the main character, EleKnight

Young EleKnight


Concept Art

This is some of the first concept art for the Enemies in the game Eleknight

Fire Enemy

Fire Enemy

Electric Enemy

Electric Enemy

Ice Enemy

Ice Enemy

Welcome to Cracked Safe Official Site

Cracked Safe is currently designing concept art for the game Eleknight, pictures and videos will be uploaded as they become available and evenutally a Beta will be available